Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – Classes of Underground Conduits

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

Civil Engineering MCQs

Civil Engineering MCQs

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Classes of underground conduits”.

1. Underground conduits are commonly used for, which of the following purpose?

Answer is D)
Explanation: Underground conduits are commonly used as sewers, drains, and water mains, gas lines, culverts etc.

2. A ditch conduits can be installed in a __________

Answer is C)
Explanation: A ditch conduit is the one which is installed in a narrow ditch, excavated in undistributed soil below ground level, which is then covered with earth backfill.

3. Underground conduits can be classified into ___________ types.

Answer is C)
Explanation: Based on the type of installations, conduits can be classified into 3 types: i) Ditch conduits ii) Projecting conduits iii) Special conduits.

4. Ditch conduits are more commonly used in ___________

Answer is A)
Explanation: Since narrow ditch can be installed in a narrow ditch below ground level, it is more commonly used as sewers, water mains etc.

5. The problem of computing the stress in the vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel was solved by __________

Answer is B)
Explanation: The problem of computing the stress in the vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel corresponding to the state of elastic equilibrium has been solved more rigorously by Mindlin (1939), using the values of K0.

6. The transfer of pressure from a yielding part of soil mass to the less yielding part is defined by the term __________

Answer is A)
Explanation: Arching is defined as the phenomenon of the transfer of pressure from a yielding part of the soil mass to an adjoining less yielding or restrained part of the mass.

7. Which of the following conduit is installed in shallow bedding?

Answer is B)
Explanation: A passive projecting conduit is the one which is installed in shallow bedding, with its top projecting above the natural ground and which is then covered with an embankment.

8. Which of the following values of K0 is used to compute the stress in the vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel?

Answer is D)
Explanation: The problem of computing the stress in the vicinity of a cylindrical tunnel corresponding to the state of elastic equilibrium has been solved by Mindlin using the following valued of K0: i) K0 = 1 ii) K0 = μ / 1-μ iii) K0 = 0.

9. Terzaghi’s experiment show that the value of K (empirical constant) varies from about ________ above the Centre of strip.

Answer is A)
Explanation: Terzaghi’s experiments show that the value of K varies from about unity (i.e., 1) immediately above the Centre of strip to a maximum of 1.5 at an approximate height above the strip.

10. Which of the following conduits are commonly used in highway or railway culverts?

... Answer is A)
Explanation: Negative and positive projective conduits are used in highway or railway culverts as both can be covered with an embankment.

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