Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – Load on Positive and Negative Projecting Conduits

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

Civil Engineering MCQs

Civil Engineering MCQs

This set of Geotechnical Engineering online test focuses on “Load on Positive and Negative Projecting Conduits”.

1. Positive projecting conduits are of ___________ types.

Answer is D)
Explanation: Positive projecting conduits are of four types: i) complete ditch conditions ii) complete projection conduits iii) incomplete ditch conduit iv) incomplete projection conduits.

2. The settlement ratio for a negative projecting conduit is __________

Answer is B)
Explanation: The settlement ratio for negative projecting conduits is always negative since the settlement of the critical plane is more than the settlement of the natural ground.

3. The magnitude and direction of relative movements between the interior and exterior prisms of the conduits are dependent upon the ___________

Answer is A)
Explanation: The magnitude and direction of relative movements are dependent upon the settlement ration rsd defined by the equation: rsd = (sm + sg) – (sf + dc)/sm.

4. Critical plane in conduit is located at ___________

Answer is A)
Explanation: The critical plane is a horizontal plane, located tangential to the top of the conduit.

5. If the critical plane settles more than the top of the conduit, the settlement ratio is __________

Answer is C)
Explanation: If the critical plane settles more than the top of the conduit i.e. if (sm + sg) is more than (sf + dc) the settlement ratio is positive.

6. Both the projection condition and the ditch conditions of a positive projecting conduit may be __________

Answer is C)
Explanation: Depending upon the position of plane of equal settlement, both the projection conditions and the ditch conditions of a positive projecting conduit may be complete or incomplete.

7. If the plane of settlement does not fall within the embankment, then such a condition is called _________

Answer is A)
Explanation: If the embankment is not of sufficient height, the plane of equal settlement does not fall within the embankment (i.e., He > H); such a condition is called complete projection condition or complete ditch condition.

8. The sign used for complete projection is __________

Answer is A)
Explanation: Since + is used for positive settlement ratio, (+) sign is used for complete projection and (–) sign used for complete ditch condition.

9. The recommended value of settlement ratio for embankment, to use in design is __________

Answer is B)
Explanation: The value of rsd for embankment of rigid conduit type is +1.0, which can be used for any ordinary rock hard, hard or unyielding soil as foundation soil.

10. The load on a negative conduit is given by the equation __________

... Answer is B)
Explanation: The load on the conduit is given as WC = Cn γ Bd2, where Cn= load coefficient for negative projecting conduit.

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