Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Clay Minerals”.
1. There are __________ fundamental building blocks for the clay mineral structures.
Explanation: Silica tetrahedral unit and octahedral unit are the 2 building blocks of clay mineral.
2. In silica tetrahedral unit, the silicon structure is enclosed by __________
Explanation: In silica tetrahedral unit, four oxygen or hydroxyls have the configuration of tetra hadron.
3. Octahedral unit, consist atoms of __________ element.
Explanation: In octahedral unit, aluminum, iron or magnesium atom are enclosed in six hydroxyls having the configuration of an octahedron.
4. The silicon sheet is represented by ___________ symbol.
Explanation: The silicon sheet is represented by trapezoidal symbol, representing the oxygen basal layer and hydroxyl apex layer.
5. The 15 clay minerals are mainly divided in to ________ groups.
Explanation: Clay minerals are classified into 3 groups of kaolin, montmorillonite, illite and palygorskite.
6. The kaolinite structural unit is made up of ____________ layer or sheet.
Explanation: The kaolinite structural unit is made up of gibbsite sheet with aluminum atoms at their centers.
7. In kaolinite crystal, the layers are held by _________ bond.
Explanation: Since kaolinite is stable and water is unable to penetrate between the layers, they are held by a fairly strong bond of hydrogen.
8. Kaolinite exhibit the characteristic of ___________
Explanation: The platelets in kaolinite carry negative charges which attract thick layers of adsorbed water thereby producing plasticity.
9. An Example of kaolinite crystal or mineral is ___________
Explanation: China clay show the property of plasticity, when mixed with water therefore it can be taken as an example for kaolinite crystal.
10. The illite crystal has a great tendency of _______________ properties.
Explanation: The cationic bond of illite is weaker than the hydrogen bond of kaolinite, but is stronger in water bond. Due to this, illite crystal has a great tendency to split in to ultimate platelets.