Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Modes of Occurences of Water in Soil”.
1. Ground water may be also called as ___________
Explanation: Since the ground water is subjected to no forces other than gravity. Hence the water is also known as gravitational water or free water.
2. Water present in the voids of soil mass is called __________
Explanation: Soil water is the water present in the voids of the soil mass.
3. Hygroscopic water is affected by which of the following factor?
Explanation: Since hygroscopic water has greater density and viscosity than ordinary water. It is neither affected by gravity or capillary forces or by any other force.
4. What are the forces involved in hygroscopic water or contact moisture?
Explanation: In hygroscopic water, soil particle freely adsorbs water from the atmosphere by the physical force of attraction, and is held by adhesion force.
5. The average hygroscopicity of clay is ___________
Explanation: The average hygroscopicity of sands, silts and clay is 1 %, 6 % and 16 %.
6. The water which soaks in to ground by moving downward, subjected to capillary force is ___________
Explanation: Infiltrated water is the portion of surface precipitation which soaks into ground moving downward through air-containing zones.
7. Based on inter-particle forces, soil water can be classified in to __________
Explanation: Adsorbed water which is attracted by forces within the soil and pore water are the two types of soil water divided based on inter-particle forces.
8. Solvate water is subjected to __________ forces.
Explanation: Since the solvate water forms a hydration shell around soil grain. It is influenced by ionic and polar forces.
9. The soil water which is impossible to remove from the soil is ___________
Explanation: Under loading encountered in soil engineering, it is found out that structural water cannot be separated or removed and therefore it is considered as a part and parcel of the soil particle.
10. Ground water is influenced by ____________ force.
Explanation: As the ground water obeys laws of hydraulic force, it is capable of moving under hydrodynamic forces.