Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – Minimum Depth of Foundation: Rankine’s Analysis

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

Civil Engineering MCQs

Civil Engineering MCQs

This set of Geotechnical Engineering online quiz focuses on “Minimum Depth of Foundation: Rankines Analysis”.

1. The gross pressure intensity (q) of a structure is ___________

Answer is A)
Explanation: The gross pressure intensity q is the total pressure at the base of the footing due to the weight of the superstructure.

2. The ultimate bearing capacity and the net ultimate capacity are connected by the relation ____________

Answer is A)
Explanation: The ultimate bearing capacity qf and the net ultimate capacity are connected by the following relation: qf = qnf + σ̅ (or) qf = qf – σ̅ where σ̅ is the effective surcharge at the base level of the foundation.

3. The net safe bearing capacity is defined by which of the following equation?

Answer is A)
Explanation: The net safe bearing capacity is the net ultimate bearing capacity divided by a factor of safety F i.e., qns = qnf/F.

4. The safe bearing capacity can also be referred as _________

Answer is B)
Explanation: Sometimes, the safe bearing capacity is also referred to as the ultimate bearing capacity qf divided by a factor of safety F.

5. Rankine considered the first soil element (element 1) at ___________

Answer is B)
Explanation: Rankine considered the equilibrium of two soil elements, The first one immediately below the foundation (element 1).

6. The bearing capacity of cohesion-less soil at the ground surface is __________

Answer is C)
Explanation: According to Rankine’s equation bearing capacity of cohesion less soil is zero at the ground surface.

7. When a state of equilibrium is reached under the footing?

Answer is A)
Explanation: When the load on footing increases, and approaches a value qf, a state of plastic equilibrium is reached under the footing.

8. Rankine considered the equilibrium of second soil element at __________

Answer is C)
Explanation: Rankine considered the equilibrium of the other soil element (element 2) beyond the edge of the footing, but adjacent to element 1.

9. During the state of shear failure, which of the following principal stress relationship exist?

Answer is B)
Explanation: During the state of shear failure (plastic equilibrium), the following principal stress relationship exists σ1 = σ3 tan2 α + 2c tan α for cohesion-less soil,σ1 = σ3 tan2 α.

10. The symbol σ̅, represent which of the following term?

... Answer is B)
Explanation: σ̅ represents the effective surcharge at the base level of the foundation, assuming total unit weight for the portion of the soil above the water table and submerged unit weight for the portion below the water table.

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