Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – General Bearing Capacity Equation: Brinch Hansen’s Analysis

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

Civil Engineering MCQs

Civil Engineering MCQs

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Question Bank focuses on “General Bearing Capacity Equation: Brinch Hansens Analysis”.

1. For purely cohesive soil, Nc has a maximum value of ___________ for square footing.

Answer is C)
Explanation: According to Skempton’s observation, for purely cohesive soil (φ = 0) Nc has a maximum value of 9 for square or circular footing.

2. The Brinch Hansen shape factor can be applied to ___________ for the case of rectangular footing.

Answer is A)
Explanation: The Brinch Hansen shape factor can be applied to the Nc values from Skempton for the rectangular footing.

3. Hansen considered the bearing capacity as a ____________

Answer is C)
Explanation: Brinch Hansen considered the bearing capacity as a plane-strain problem. If φ is found by tri axial test, its corresponding value for the plane strain case can be computed.

4. Bowel suggested that the increase in φ in plane-strain case can be computed only for φ greater than ____________

Answer is B)
Explanation: Bowel suggests that the increase of φ in the equation φ plain strain = 1.1 φ tri axial can be computed only for φ greater than 25°.

5. Skempton observed that the factor Nc increases with the ratio ___________

Answer is A)
Explanation: Based partly on theory and partly on the laboratory test, Skempton observed that the factor Nc increases with the ratio D/B.

6. When D=0, the value of Nc for strip footing will be ____________

Answer is A)
Explanation: According to Skempton recommendation, the value of Nc = 5.14 for strip footing when D=0 and Nc = 6.20 for square or circular footing.

7. Which of the following value can be taken [Nc] surface for surface footing?

Answer is A)
Explanation: Value of [Nc] surface may be roughly taken as 5 for surface strip footing and as 6 for square or circular footing.

8. The term ‘i’ in Hansen equation represents ___________

Answer is D)
Explanation: According to Brinch Hansen’s equation, i represent the inclination factor to account for both horizontal and vertical components of foundation loads.

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