Geotechnical Engineering Questions and Answers – Textural Classification

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions

This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Textural Classification“.

1. Soil classification based on the particle size distribution is _____________

Answer is D)
Explanation: Soil classification of composite soils exclusively based on the particle size distribution is known as textural classification.

2. The best known classification system in textural classification is __________

Answer is B)
Explanation: Triangular classification of U.S. public road administration is a commonly used system for textural classification.

3. Textural classification is most suitable for ____________

Answer is C)
Explanation: Since the textural classification is based on the percentages of sand, silt, and clay size making up the soil. Such a classification is more suitable for describing coarse-grained soil.

4. To use textural classification chart ___________ lines must be drawn.

Answer is A)
Explanation: To use the textural classification chart, for a given percentage of three constituents forming a soil, lines are drawn parallel to three sides of the equilateral triangle.

5. The type of triangle, used in textural classification of soil is _____________

Answer is B)
Explanation: A triangle, having equal length of sides (i.e. Equilateral triangle) is used in textural classification chart.

6. Public road administration (PRA) system is based on _____________

Answer is A)
Explanation: HRB classification system, also known as public road administration (PRA) is based on both the particle-size composition and plasticity characteristics.

7. Highway research board (HRB) classification system is also known as__________

Answer is B)
Explanation: Highway research board classification system is also known as public road administration (PRA) system.

8. Based on HRB classification system, the soil are divided in to ___________

Answer is C)
Explanation: Based on HRB system, the soil is divided into 7 primary groups, designated as A-1, A-2…A-7.

9. The performance of the soil, when used for pavement construction is found out by using _____________

Answer is B)
Explanation: As group index is a mean of rating the value of soil as a sub-grade material. It can be used for finding the performance and quality of the soil.

10. The group index of a soil depends on ____________

... Answer is A)
Explanation: Group index of soil usually varies by i. Liquid limit ii. Plastic limit iii. Amount of material passing through the 75-micron IS sieve.

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