Geotechnical Engineering Objective Questions
This set of Geotechnical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Unified Soil Classification”.
1. Unified soil classification system (USCS) was developed by ____________
Explanation: In 1940, casagrande originally developed the unified soil classification system (USCS).
2. The USCS system was used for which of the following purpose during World War 2?
Explanation: In earlier stages of World War 2, the USCS system was used for air field construction.
3. According to USCS, the fined grained soil are classified on the basis of_____________
Explanation: According to USCS the fine grained soils, whose behavior is controlled by plasticity, are classified on the basis of their plasticity.
4. By USCS system, soil are classified in to___________Major groups.
Explanation: Various soil are classified in to four major groups i. Coarse grained ii. Fine grained iii. Organic soils iv. Peat.
5. A soil is considered as coarse grained, if it retains more than ___________ in a sieve.
Explanation: If more than 50 % of the soil is retained on a NO.200 US sieve (0.075), it is designated as coarse grained soil.
6. Coarse grained soils, containing fines between 5-12%, are designated by ___________ Symbol.
Explanation: If the percentage of fines lies between 5 to 12 %, coarse grained soils are designated by dual symbols GW-GM or SP-SM.
7. Fine grained soil are sub divided in to ___________
Explanation: Based on their liquid limit and plasticity index, fine grained soil are subdivided in to silt and clay.
8. Fine grained soil are subdivided based on ___________
Explanation: Based on the liquid limit and plasticity index, fine grained soil is subdivided.
9. Coarse grained soil is sub-divided in to _______________
Explanation: Based on the soil size, coarse grained soil is divided in to gravel and sand.
10. In Casagrande’s plasticity chart, the numbers in the chart denotes ____________
Explanation: In Casagrande’s plasticity chart, the numbers denote relative suitability with No.1 as the best and No. 10 as the worst.