Source and Classification of Stones
The set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Source and Classification of Stones”.
1. Granite is a type of?
Explanation: Granite is formed at a slow rate of cooling of magma at considerable depths and so is a type of plutonic rock.
2. Foliated structure is very common in case of?
Explanation: Foliated rocks can split up into layers along a definite direction only. Sedimentary rocks are generally stratified and igneous rocks are unstratified.
3. Which of the following rocks are hard and durable?
Explanation: Silica predominates in siliceous rock and is less affected by weathering and hence are hard and durable compared to argillaceous (clay), calcareous (calcium carbonate) or carbonaceous (carbon).
4. Which of the following is not a metamorphic change?
Explanation: Calcite is a carbonate mineral whereas schist is a metamorphic rock formed by metamorphosis of mudstone/shale to the higher degree than slate.
5. Which factor disturbs the equilibrium of rocks, commencing metamorphism?
Explanation: Rocks are stable at a temperature below 200°C and at the pressure existing. Any increase in above two factors can initiate the process of metamorphism. One factor alone is not sufficient to start metamorphism.
6. Stones are obtained from rocks that are made up of?
Explanation: Rocks are made up of minerals. They can be monomineralic (single mineral) or polymineralic (more than one mineral).
7. Which one of the following is not a classification of stones?
Explanation: The classifications of stones are physical (based on structure), chemical (based on chemical composition), practical (based on usage) and geological (based on the mode of origin). Mineralogical classification is not a means of classifying stones in general. It’s called chemical classification.
8. The hot molten material occurring naturally below the surface of the Earth is called?
Explanation: Hot molten material is called Lava when it erupts from a volcano and reaches the surface. Slag is waste material from the smelting of ore. Tuff is a porous rock formed by a consolidation of volcanic ash.
9. At what depth and rate is a hypabyssal rock formed?
Explanation: Plutonic rocks are formed by slow cooling of magma at considerable depth. Volcanic rocks are formed near the surface of Earth by rapid cooling of magma. Hypabyssal rocks are formed at a quick rate of cooling of magma at considerably shallow depths.
10. What is a sedimentary deposit?
Explanation: Weathered product remains at site is called residual deposit. Weathered product carried away in solution is chemical deposit and Weathered product gets carried away agents is organic deposit.